stud lord

Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Daniel S Dunnam. I live in the northish part of Dallas Texas USA. I'm not proud of that or anything, I'm just saying it so as to give you a lil perspective about me and the fact that not quite all Dallasites are (A) hicks or (B) president killers. Incase you're wondering, which I can only assume that you are due to that fact that you're actually reading this, I am 22 and work at a nonprofit called Documentary Arts (and freelance elsewhere too) and in my spare time I make stuff for the sake of keeping myself busy. I make fonts, games, webpages, documentaries, cds, cdroms, dvds and all kinds of other stuff. For instance, each year I and bunch of friends do the most outlandish halloween extravaganza you can imagine for the soul purpose of scaring the hell out of little kids. It has grown in popularity over the past 9 years I've been doing it to the extent that the police block the road and we get an excess of 2000 kids. I am also the co-president (along with Alan Hatchett) of the Wompedy Club which does a lot of the same kindof things.

I love all different types of music and strive to have the most diverse set of cds anyone has ever seen. they might be giants are my favorite band, but I love many others in all number of genres. I love music ranging from western-swing to hip-hop, and from 60s to techno. I love music in all it's forms.

Also, I am an unabashed tree-hugging liberal and I will argue with anyone about politics and society until they understand that I'm right. I know it sounds cocky, but I swear I can convert anyone with even a semblance of intelligence that thinking green and open-mindedly is the way to go! My favorite websites for media info and news are: FAIR and Common Dreams.

email dan