WOW it's been a long time since I've updated this section... or any other for that matter.
click here for pictures of the documentary shoot in Brooklyn at the Polish National Home on 08.05.01, taken by Kelli Anderson.

Well, if you're new to my site you should know that this page isn't really useful info about the band. if you want that you have lots of resources on the net (like, and and the like). if you're familiar with my site than you know that I just ramble a lot on this page. of course I haven't done that in a long time. I think that's because I've found it hard to keep up with tmbg's own forays into the net. back in the day when I started this site tmbg didn't even have a website. they of course got one shortly after mine went up, but it was totally different than this one, and they didn't update it almost ever. it was easy for me to compete under those circumstances. furthermore, I didn't have a job and as a student I had plenty of time to devote to a fan site. since then, tmbg's sites have become more up-to-date than anyone else's and with their tmbg unlimited nonsense, no one can compete with them for exclusive content. from my standpoint, on the one hand their large web presence diminishes the need and value of my site and other fan sites like it, but on the other hand I still think it's a good thing. I applaud their taking of the net by the horns and really being innovative and whatever. (even if I do think it's lame that unlimited is 128k and has cruddy mac support.)

but anyway, I'm updating the site tonight because I just returned home from NYC to attend the taping a documentary being made about tmbg by a group called bonfire films america. the taping was a blast and it was enough to make me want to update my site. this comes at a good time because THEY are also releasing a new album Mink Car on September 11, 2001. if you're an unlimited member then you may have downloaded the songs already, and if you have, I hope you share my feelings that this new album IS REALLY GOOD!

The track listing for Mink Car is 1 - 17:
bangs (L)
cyclops rock (F)
man, it's so loud in here (L)
mr. xcitement (with doughty from soul coughing)
another first kiss (F)
I've got a fang (L)
hovering sombrero (L)
yeh yeh (F)
hopeless bleak dispair (L)
drink (F)
my man (L)
older (L)
mink car (F)
wicked little critta (both johns)
finished with lies (L)
she thinks she's edith head (F)
working undercover for the man (F)

I look forward to this album's release and I hope you'll run out an buy it even if you've kinda gotten out of the habit of buying new tmbg stuff. I can sorta understand. I would say that since severe tire damage it's been sorta sketchy, and with all the tv show themes and whatever, things have been sorta dry. but take my word for it, this new album is a keeper! buy it, pop it in, crank it up, and listen to your friends say MAN IT'S SO LOUD IN HERE!

until next time, your friend,

email dan