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violation noticeEach Earth Day since 2000, the Wompedy Club has gone to suburban malls and played meter maid, ticketing SUVs with our own variety of Violation Notices based on the ones promoted by Adbusters and StayFree magazines.

Our tickets were like the adbusters ticket, but on the back invited recipients to visit our autocide website (made for this same project) so that they could find out how to "wave" the $17,000 fine they'd received.

The autocide site is still up, and each Earth Day you'll notice the front page of wompedy.com switches to a "Did you receive one of these?" splash page, which directs SUV owners to the proper place more directly.

Our Autocide site was designed by Wompedy Club member James Marzano, and written by Daniel Dunnam. The information is largely from the books "Asphalt Nation" by Jane Holtz Kay and "The Old Neighborhood: What We Lost in the Great Suburban Migration" by Ray Suarez. Two books that are worth reading regardless of whether or not you drive an SUV.

wompedy club members ticketing SUVs
We also have some fun photos of one of our Wompedy Club ticketing crews in action, complete with MPEG's of "security" booting us off the property.
visit the wompedy club's autocide website
Check out the Autocide website, and find out all about "planet death, via auto culture" as we put it.
© The Wompedy Club 2005